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Make a contributionDevice configuration variables are environment variables that allow you to correctly configure a device on using the console. They are used when deploying packages on the device.
A list of predefined device configuration variables is available for a newly added device. They are:
The Details page of each device contains the above pre-defined configuration variables.
To create additional device configuration variables, such as ros_package_path, click Add Config Variable.
You can override the predefined value of a device configuration variable while creating a package deployment. For instance, you may change ros_workspace when deploying a package for a ROS-based device.
You can deselect device configuration variables that you do not need during deployment. However, remember that ros_distro is mandatory when deploying a ROS package.
For docker runtime, the platform maintains 1 GB of disk usage for the ROS master logs. If the disk usage exceeds the default limit of 1 GB, the platform purges the older logs to maintain the default limit. If you want to customize the disk size for the ROS master logs, you can add a configuration variable rosmaster_log_retention_size_mb with the desired disk size.
If you customize the disk size for ROS master logs, the new size is considered after next device reboot.
The size and rotation logic of the backup file is governed by the following configurations.
A rotation is completed after the specified rotation size or interval is reached.