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Managing Users

Adding or Deleting Users from an Organization

Only the Admin of an organization can invite users to their organization.

To add or remove users to the platform, do the following:

  1. On the left navigation bar, click Account > Organization. The panel displays a list of users.

  2. To add users:

    1. Under the Users tab, enter a valid email address of the user you want to invite to

    2. Click ADD USER.

    The newly invited user is added to the existing list of USERS. The Account State field displays the state of a user. A user can be in one of the following states:

    • Invited: The initial state of the user. The invited user will receive an invitation email to join
    • Activated: Once the invited user has registered and signed into, their state automatically changes to Activated. Only an org admin can activate a deactivated user by selecting the activate icon under Actions.
    • Deactivated: A user/organization admin can deactivate a user by selecting the deactivate icon under Actions.
    • Suspended: A user can be in a suspended state if their trial has ended.

    An org admin can view users in any state. Users other than the org admin cannot view the users in invited state.

  3. To delete users:

    1. Under Actions, click Remove against the user you want to remove. A confirmation pop-up appears.
    2. Click Confirm. The user is removed from the organization.
    • If the deleted user is a project admin, then the ownership of that project will be transferred to the organization admin.
    • If the user is a part of one or more projects/groups, they will be removed from all those projects/groups.

Adding or Removing Users from a Project

  • The project creator or the organization admin can add or remove users from the project.
  • However, the project’s creator cannot remove himself.

To add/remove users from the project:

  1. On the left navigation bar, click Account > Project. The panel displays a list of projects.

  2. Under Actions, select the Edit icon.

  3. To add users:

    1. Select the Users tab, where you can use the search field to search for the user by username or email address.

    2. Click the checkbox next to their User name. Additionally, you can choose their role by selecting either Viewer or Admin from the dropdown menu.

    The newly invited user is added to the existing list of users.

  4. To remove a user, uncheck the box next to their username.

Resetting the Password

To change or reset your password, do the following.

  1. Select the user menu and click Change Password. A dialog box appears to change the password.

  2. In the Change Password dialog box, enter your old password, enter a new password, and confirm the password in the respective fields.

  3. Confirm your not a robot by checking the Captcha and follow the instructions. Your password is changed.